Juniper Publishers | Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
Aggression among Annamalai University Students by Mohammad Ami N Wani in Juniper Publishers| Global Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities
The present study intends to elucidate the level of aggression among
university students in Tamil Nadu. For this purpose 100 university
students from different courses were randomly selected with equal number
of boys and girls. Aggression Questionnaire constructed and
standardized by Buss and Perry 1992 was used for the assessment of
aggression level among students. Mean and t-test were applied for
statistical analysis by using SPSS 16.0 version. The results
demonstrated that boys show high level of aggression than girls.
Findings also revealed that boys have higher levels of physical as well
as verbal aggression than girls. Also anger and hostility was found more
among boys than girl students. To sum up, on the basis of our results
we conclude that there is significant gender difference in aggression
and aggressive behavior
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